Most companies desire a brand and culture that stands for more than just high margins and big bottom lines. They want to use a portion of their profits and resources to give back and leave a legacy of contribution within their community. The difficulty is these organizations are often overwhelmed by the amount of need, coupled with the inability to know how they can most effectively make a difference.
Learn how you can start a company to develop lucrative social impact programs that are custom fit for each organization’s interests and needs. Working with IMPossible and its associated UK-Based charity, Techure Foundation, will give you the opportunity to make a significant impact on the needs of our community without the uncertainty.
Do you want to make a difference in the world? Do you want to help those affected by Pakistan’s floods and other natural disasters around the world?
Are you ready to step UP and work for change?
Team IMPossible invites you to the Junior Youth Summit.
You’ll spend two days learning how social entrepreneurship is the next big thing. Work through the day to come up with ideas, present them to your peers, work together to develop cost-effective solutions and see how YOU can be successful.
At the Youth Summit, you’ll realize that when you embrace the full potential of who you are, life becomes a playground of infinite opportunities to explore, discover and enjoy! Sure you may experience occasional challenges, but you feel a sense of freedom and enthusiasm, and everything feels easier, because it is.
At JYS 2010, we’re trying to release counterproductive concepts about work, success, money, time and self-worth.
It’s simple, but profound. Entrepreneurship and innovation can change the world. Do you want to be a part of that?
JYS 2010. Because it’s worth it.