Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Techure Foundation, as part of its aim to reach out to the masses and play its role towards the betterment of the society has selected IMPossible as its representative body in Pakistan. With the worst national crisis to ever hit the country, the need is dire to have the young generation stand up and deliver. The foundation has decided to play its part by endorsing Junior Youth Summit 2010.
The most effective idea in context to the recent floods in the country will be sponsored by the Techure Foundation by up to Rs. 200,000. Therefore, you not only get the opportunity to propose a change but also to be the change.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Junior Youth Summit 2010 - Success vs Failure

Have you ever had a really great idea?
Did you do anything about it?

Team IMPossible brings you the Junior Youth Summit 2010, taking place in Islamabad. Two days of jam-packed sessions ranging from personal mentoring to invigorating group activities. Meet new people from across Pakistan, interact with successful start-up entrepreneurs, social welfare specialists, consultants, researchers and trainers as they show you how success can be achieved. You’ll be working with your peers to find solutions to Pakistan’s most pressing problems. Through panel discussions, case studies and role-playing learn how to shape your suggestions into solutions and present them effectively.
We’re all afraid of failure, but where would we be today without leaps of faith? Where would we be without those brave few who worked hard, took risks and made a difference?

What Are We Afraid Of?
To analyze the reasons why we feel pressure or anxiety about failure, we have to understand that it is the fear of failure that hurts far more than the failure itself. Actually, it is the fear of not being sure what will happen. With the tremendous stress we place on success, this isn't surprising. We need to learn how to channel this fear into positive energy, and motivation.
With on hand leadership training and coaching, the JYS staff works with you in a powerful partnership to supercharge your personal growth. We coach to empower your ideas and performance in every way. Success – Growth – Workability – Sustainability

YOU HAVE A CHOICE! We can do it! And we will!
It’s all about having an idea, and the Junior Youth Summit will show you how to change DREAM into REALITY. Join in and be forced to think outside of the box, embrace new channels and points of view. Learn the art of educated risk-taking; more than anything, learn to believe!

So take a chance, embrace your potential, and become part of Pakistan’s future.

By Zainab Khawaja